Case study

Efficient document management solutions for SMBs

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Smallpdf is a group of companies with a customer base of over 250,000 SMB and 1,500 enterprise customers. We offer a comprehensive suite of PDF tools, allowing users to manipulate, work with, and sign PDFs using over 20 specialized tools.

Established in 2013 in Switzerland, Smallpdf has grown to serve over a billion users worldwide, employing approximately 150 dedicated professionals. Our tool is accessible in 195 countries, supports 24 languages, and is compatible with all devices, making it one of the top 1,000 most visited webpages globally.

SaaS & Worktech
Our service:
Nearshore software development
Client since:
Visit SmallPDF
4 Succesfull collaboration years
13 Employees Comprising the Smallpdf Team
4 New applications created


Switzerland faces a shortage of skilled mobile developers, posing a challenge for the Smallpdf team. To expand our platform offerings with native iOS and Android applications, we required ignificant growth in our engineering teams

Smallpdf Team


To address this challenge, Smallpdf engaged in a strategic partnership with Holycode. By establishing a dedicated team in Belgrade, we rapidly scaled our hiring efforts. Within 18 months, we successfully assembled a team of exceptional engineers and product managers to focus on mobile application development and the implementation of new features. With Holycode’s support, the team became an integral part of Smallpdf and eventually transitioned into a newly formed local entity.

Dennis Just

CEO of Smallpdf

In today’s intricate tech industry, the demand for a reliable, efficient, and innovative partner is paramount. Holycode has consistently proven to be exactly that for our organization. Their strategic insights, technical expertise, and outstanding project delivery have been instrumental in driving our success and facilitating our growth. Holycode is more than a vendor; they have become our trusted partners.
Dennis Just

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