Low Code Development:
Achieve results in no time

Let’s create your first MVP, prototype, app or website with minimal coding and in record time. With Low Code Development, we deliver up to 30-50% more cost-efficient than similar providers.

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Skyrocket your business with low code development


What is low code development?

Low code is a game-changing approach that involves little to no hand coding for developing digital products and designing feature-rich apps with simple, drag-and-drop capabilities at accelerated speeds.

Low code.
High returns.

who is it for

Is low code development the ideal solution for your needs?

Fast track icon

Need to fast-track market idea validation?

Low code development accelerates the product development process, allowing businesses to bring their products and solutions to market faster, gaining a competitive edge.

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Exhausted from resource constraints?

By minimising the need for extensive coding and custom development, low code development enables organisations to achieve more with fewer resources, including developers, time, and budget.

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Challenged by limited specialised talent?

Empower individuals without technical backgrounds to actively contribute to app development and maintenance using intuitive visual interfaces, drag-and-drop functionalities, and pre-built components.

Build with low code

Low code development platforms we specialise in

Webflow logo

Benefit from intuitive WebFlow

Create stunning, high-performing websites and launch them without coding. With its drag-and-drop functionality and powerful features, WebFlow will bring your web ideas to life effortlessly.

Bubble logo

Boost your results with Bubble

Experience a new level of development for web and mobile applications with groundbreaking Bubble. Bring your app to the market faster and cheaper, while offering enhanced control.

Dennis Just

CEO of Smallpdf

In today’s intricate tech industry, the demand for a reliable, efficient, and innovative partner is paramount. Holycode has consistently proven to be exactly that for our organization. Their strategic insights, technical expertise, and outstanding project delivery have been instrumental in driving our success and facilitating our growth. Holycode is more than a vendor; they have become our trusted partners.
Dennis Just

Benedikt Baumgartner

VP Software zat AVA AG

AVA team works on bracelet for tracking fertility days by combining break-through sensor technology, revolutionary data science and a brilliant team to make a real difference in women’s health. Holycode helped us to develop our product in record-time. I am impressed by the commitment and quality of service Holycode offers.
Benedikt Baumgartner

Simone Kühn


Since Day 1 of our development we’ve been working with our Team at Holycode and have come a long way since then. Building the biggest relocation platform and booking engine in Switzerland as well as a SaaS based platform for our partner companies is no mean feat and we couldn’t be happier with our 8+ years of collaboration.
Simone Kühn
the process

How we bring you low code solutions

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Requirements gathering

This stage involves identifying the goals, requirements, and desired outcomes of the project. It includes defining the scope, functionality, and user experience of the application to be developed.


Design & modelling

In this stage, the application’s visual design and user interface are created using low code development tools. It includes designing layouts, screens, and user interactions, as well as modelling data structures and relationships.

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Configuration & customisation

During this stage, the application is built using low code development platforms, which allows configuring and customising the application using visual tools and settings. Developers utilise visual interfaces, drag-and-drop functionality, and pre-built components to configure the desired features, workflows, and business logic of the application.

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Testing & QA

Once the application is developed, it undergoes testing to ensure that it functions as intended, meets the requirements, and provides a seamless user experience. This stage involves various testing activities, such as functional testing, performance testing, and user acceptance testing.

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Deployment & maintenance

After successful testing, the application is prepared for deployment to the desired environment. Once the necessary configurations and integrations are set up and the application is launched, continuous support and maintenance become vital. This stage involves monitoring the application’s performance, addressing any issues or bugs that arise, and making iterative improvements based on user feedback and evolving business needs.

Build with low code

Break the barrier with low code development

Unlock rapid application development to create innovative software solutions with ease using low code development. Code less, achieve more.

Developer looking at code
Read our clients’ success stories

Let’s start achieving excellence together

Get in touch with our experts today to turn your ideas into reality and accelerate business growth.

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